What You Should Know
This Sunday on February 4, 2018, one of the biggest events of the year will be on TV: The 52nd Super Bowl. Most of those watching the NFL probably do not know that “LII” is the Roman numeral for “52.”
We see the most common defense in mild traumatic brain injury cases time and time again. Namely, the CT and MRI brain scans do not reveal any abnormality, or trauma related injuries, in the Plaintiff’s brain. Therefore there is no serious or permanent brain injury suffered by Plaintiff. After a concussion, the medical protocol is… Read More
In recent news there has been a lot of attention focused on Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). Every day, we learn more and more professional athletes (NFL, NHL, Professional Wrestling, Professional Soccer) that have suffered repeated concussions are now suffering disabling symptoms such as depression, sleep disorders, anxiety disorders, as well as memory and concentration problems… Read More
On Wednesday this past week, A.J. Tarpley of the Buffalo Bills, announced that he was retiring from the NFL. What is more surprising is that he is only 23 years old. Tarpley, a linebacker for the Bills, gave the reason for this retirement as concerns for his long term health due to repeated concussions aka… Read More
A few weeks ago we received a call from one of our former clients who had recently received a notice to appear in court from his landlord. Mr. B. has been living with his family in their Queens apartment for 15 years since they arrived in the U.S. and called our office very worried about… Read More